BOGF has allocated a sum of HK$0.5 million in the academic years 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 to BPS to promote essential experiences of BPS girls. The following is a summary of the activities sponsored by BOGF in the above two academic years.
BOGF funded debating training courses have been organised for a group of BPS girls from all levels.
A three-day trip to the Pearl Rive Delta area was organised for S6 & S7 girls to study the economic and cultural developments of Southern China as well as a five-day visit to the Yang Tze River Delta for S6 & S4 girls to study the economic & cultural developments. The girls really benefited a lot from these visits as reflected by their reports after the visits.
Two year-long research projects had been conducted to develop students' skills in learning through as inquiry approach. A group of S3, S4 & S6 girls were involved in the research projects with S6 girls as leaders. The theme of one research project was Hong Kong-Tokyo Disneyland and Globalization, while the other one was comparative study of Chinese and Japanese tea. The Hong Kong-Tokyo Disneyland, Sweatshop in Shenzhen, tea plantation in Shenzhen as well as learning Cha Do in Tea House of Kyoto and Shenzhen. The written reports, exhibition and reflections presented by BPS girls were a clear testimony that these projects had really nurtured the students' curiosity and positive attitude in learning as well as promoting sisterhood among BPS girls.
A series of camps had been organised to enable BPS girls of different levels to undergo experiential learning in each academic year. For S1, a two-day orientation camp was organised to enable the S1 girls to adapt well to secondary school life. For S3, a group of girls participated in the Outward Bound Adventure Training Camp organised by Outward Bound Hong Kong. For S4, a three-day adventure camp was organised to enhance self-esteem and positive attitude among our S4 girls. For student leaders of S4, S6 & S7, a three-day leadership training camp organised. The positive feedback from BPS girls and teachers testified to the success of the above pioneering learning activities.
BPS also made good use of the resources of Hong Kong to enable BPS girls to take part in experiential learning. Eighty Science students from S4 and S5 explored the beauty of mechanism and physics by experiencing the various Ocean Park rides and programmes. Another group of Science students explored the marine environment ofHoi Ha Wan as well as to learn more about the importance of marine ecosystem and the threats to the sea through an interactive approach. Girls participating in the program "Physics in Motion at Ocean Park" remarked that they had learned and experienced the power and technology of science.
To enhance the volleyball playing skills of BPS volleyball school team, an experience coach had been hired to train BPS school team.